401(k) Plan Administration Review Form

The purpose of this form is to help employers obtain a better understanding of their 401(k) plan's administration function. Please provide an evaluation of your plan's basic administration services below. Among the factors you should consider are whether all administrative services have been performed, your provider's timeliness, accuracy, responsiveness and ability to prevent, detect and correct errors. Submit this form to us for some helpful comments.

Evaluation of 401(k) Administration Services

Administration Services Poor Fair Average Good Excellent Unknown Not Done N/A
Employee Data Validation
Coverage and Eligibility
ADP/ACP Testing
Top Heavy Testing
Other Contribution Testing
Profit Sharing Contributions
Loans and Hardship Distributions
Payments to Terminated Participants
Reporting (e.g., 5500 forms)


Company's Name, Your Ttile

Phone Number

E-mail Address

Comments (include any specific administration needs of your company's 401(k) plan)