401k recordkeeping services should be carefully chosen to ensure a viable 401k program.
I. 401k Recordkeeping requirements
B. Are separate 401k accounts maintained for the various types of employer and employee contributions?
B. Participant-directed accounts. Have individual allocations been test-checked?
B. Loans. Has the system properly recorded loan repayments and outstanding 401k loan balances?
C. Hardship distributions. Has information for the 1099 forms been properly recorded?
II. Selection of 401k service providers
B. Third party administrators. Have you made sure that such organizations have the recordkeeping experience required?
C. Recordkeeping firms. Have you checked their professional reputations?
D. Bundled 401k service providers. Do they perform the 401k work or assign it to others?
B. Evaluation of 401k proposals. Have you used appropriate criteria to make these determinations?
2. Have you attempted to reduce 401k costs by the following methods?
B. Changing providers. Have you considered all 401k work that will be required?
C. Shifting costs to employees. Have you considered adverse employee reaction and its effect on the 401k program's success?
Please list your 401k questions on our short form. We will reply promptly to concerns of employers and their representatives. Or call us at 718-793-9885. Our web site homepage contains additional useful 401k information.