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401(k) Guides

These pages contain a Guide of each of the six 401(k) plan functions. Each can be read in 15 minutes. In addition to our Guides, 401k Summaries, 2-minute 401k Overviews, 401k Checklists, Other 401k Sources of Information and 401k Tools.are also available for each 401(k) function.

I. 401(k) Design Guide

II. 401(k) Administration Guide

III. 401(k) Investment Guide

IV. 401(k) Recordkeeping Guide

V. 401(k) Communication With Employees Guide

VI. 401(k) Cost Control Guide. Please use the Department Of Labor Study of 401(k) Fees and Expenses until our guide is completed.

Please describe your 401(k) concerns on our short form. We will reply promptly to employers and their representatives. Or call us at 718-793-9885. Our web site homepage contains additional useful 401k information.


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